Letters requesting "Thousands for Free" cards
Thousands for Free...
For over 40 years, Alfred Mira has been giving his love and energy. He started a nonprofit titled Thousands For Free, in which he has printed over 139 million (and counting) "God Bless You" cards, "Jesus in Me Loves You" cards, and many more inspiring titles. All one has to do to obtain a thousand (or more) of these spiritual cards is write him a letter to:
Thousands for Free
Alfred Mira
1318 Commonwealth Ave
Apt. B
Allston, Ma
This ministry is completely funded by donations from benefactors, making this project possible for many years. For a wonderful story of his God Bless You cards, Click Here!
Books for Prisons...
For over 30 years, Alfred has been collecting discarded books from libraries around the Greater Boston area and bringing them to local prisons. He has done this without any outside support or financial assistance.
Discarded books collected from libraries in the greater Boston area, packaged to go to prisons
Alfred Mira printing "Thousands for Free" cards
Alfred Mira's 1966 Volvo 122 S, and his son Christopher's 1981 Mercedes 300 TD